- The European Union offered to air passengers greater protection in the form of compensation and assistance .
- This protection covers air passengers departing from airports in the EU and air passengers departing from airports in third countries in airports within the EU ( In the latter case only when the operating air carrier is a Community air carrier ) .
- You have the right to know in advance the identity of the operating carrier ( including low cost and charter companies ) .
- When the number of passengers exceeds the number of available seats , the airline must first ask for volunteers to give up their seats , offering other benefits such as the choice between reimbursement of the ticket ( with a free flight to the original point of departure, where applicable) and ensuring alternative transport to the final destination. The other passengers are entitled to compensation as follows :
250 euro for flights less than 1500km
400 euro for longer flights within the EU
400 euro for other flights between 1500km and 3000km
600 euro for flights over 3500km, outside EU - If your flight is canceled , you can choose a refund of the ticket and fly back as soon as possible , where appropriate , or an alternative route to your final destination as soon as possible. In any case , you are entitled to donation provide care such as feeding and communication facilities . Free hotel accommodation and transportation are entitled if you depart the next day. In certain cases you are entitled to compensation .
- For a 2 hour delay or more, if it comes to flight until 1500chlm , are entitled to free food and communication facilities . For flights beyond 1500chlm , greater delay are entitled to the above. If final departure the next day, you are entitled to free transportation and hotel accommodations .
1. What happens in case of a delay
When the airline provides delay the flight:
- Two (2 ) hours or more for flights covering a distance of up 1500chlm .
- Three (3) or more hours for intra-Community flights of more than 1500chlm . and for all other flights between 1500-3500 km ,
- Four (4 ) hours or more for flights covering a distance of more than 3500 km outside EU, must provide passengers with meals and refreshments , transportation and hotel accommodation (if the flight departs the next day) and communication facilities . If the delay is more than five hours , the airline also has the obligation to provide a refund of the full cost of the ticket within seven days or a return flight to the first point of departure at the earliest opportunity .
2. When we ask for a refund of our ticket
For flight delay beyond 5 hours , we can request a refund of the ticket but only if we decide not to travel . Further , we can ask free return to the starting point of our departure .
3. What if they refuse boarding
If they prohibit us to board, then we entitled fair compensation (a ) EUR 250 for flights up to 1,500 km , ( b ) EUR 400 for (i) intra-Community flights beyond 1,500 miles and (ii) all other flights from 1500 to 3500 km and ( c ) EUR 600 for those flights not mentioned in ( a) and ( b ).
4. When the airlines are excluded from the obligation of compensation
The airlines are exempted from compensation only in cases arising from ‘exceptional circumstances’ , where for unforeseen reasons outside their control , are unable to prevent the induction anomaly in the flight ( eg safety reasons , unannounced strikes, etc. ) . But even in these cases , airlines have an obligation to provide information and care to passengers.
5. What happens in case where our luggage are lost?
Passengers traveling by air are also entitled to compensation in case of destruction , loss, damage or delay of baggage, as well as in cases of death or injury attributable to the carrier.
6. What if our flight has been canceled?
Although our flight was canceled we can choose a refund of the ticket and fly back as soon as possible , where appropriate , or an alternative route to our final destination as soon as possible. In any case , we are entitled to free care , such as nutrition and communication facilities . Free hotel accommodation and transport law in the event that would eventually depart the next day. In certain cases fair compensation .
7. Who can I contact in case of problems
For any problem do not hesitate to contact the airline representative of our company.
If the airline continues to meet its obligations, then we addressed the European Consumer Centre ( ECC Cyprus ) on +357 22867177 or email ecccyprus@mcit.gov.cy
If the passenger believes that it complied with the law , should his / he must inform the Civil Aviation Authority on the phone +357 22404152 or email director@dca.mcw.gov.cy
When passenger damaged by non- compliance with Community law , may consider the exercise of private education in the national courts .
8. What we must do before our flight?
Preflight we check that we hold a confirmed reservation and present at check in time.
9. What are the obligations of companies as regards informing us our rights
The airlines are required to have clearly posted on the site check-in (check in) notification stating that in case of problems passengers may ask to be given the text of their rights . The airlines are required to provide to each affected passenger a written notification of their rights and the possibility of complaint .
10. What specific cases can apply to the Department of Civil Aviation
If we burdened because of denying boarding , cancellation or long delay and the airline does not respect our rights, we can complain to the Department of Civil Aviation (http://www.mcw.gov.cy/mcw/dca/dca.nsf/DMLHistory_gr/ DMLHistory_gr? OpenDocument or 22 404102).
11. What actions do we do if our flight is cancelled?
In case of cancellations, we are entitled financial compensation , unless if we have been informed 14 days before the flight or updated within specified time and the airline offered re-routing within a short period of time after the initial time our flight or the airline can prove that the cancellation was caused by extraordinary circumstances.