- All goods are delivered at the market must comply with the description given to them and should be suitable for the purpose for which we bought them.
- The quality of the goods including the absence of defects , their safety , fair durability over time and use, appearance and final processing , the availability of spare parts and technical support where this is required by the nature of the product .
- All products have two years guaranty from delivery day even with the receipt of purchase
- .If we buy a faulty product then we can return it for free repair within the warranty period . If the shop can not repair it , then we can ask for a change or a refund our money and in the right situation to claim compensation . If we want to keep it an equitable reduction in the purchase price.
- Lack of product conformity which becomes apparent within six months from the date of delivery to us is presumed to exist in the delivery of the product , until proven
Διεύθυνση: Λεωφ. Ακροπόλεως 8, Γραφείο 302, 2006, Στρόβολος,
Τ.Θ. 24874, 1304 – Λευκωσία
Τηλέφωνο: 22 516112
Φαξ: +357-22-516118
e-mail: info@katanalotis.org.cy